Many day centres have closed and many of the few that remain cater for people with higher level needs. A placement at a day centre is usually arranged through referral from a social worker or another professional although some day centres will also accept people who self refer. Places are generally allocated to people who cannot access other mainstream activities, even with support. They will also take into consideration the carer’s need for a whole day’s break from caring.
Here is a list of day centres we know of that are currently operating in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. You may want to visit them first to see if you think it will meet the needs of the person that you care for.
Age UK South Gloucestershire operate activity clubs in the South Gloucestershire area.
In Bristol there is information on Bristol City Councils website.
Age UK Bristol run a day centre in Withywood.
Milestones Trust have day opportunities for people of all ages with varying support needs.
Tynedale Circle Day centre runs weekly and is located on Whiteladies Road for people with some memory loss and also has a carers group.
St Monica’s provides a day service available to people with dementia.
Ablecare offers lunch clubs and respite care to people in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. The lunch clubs take place at their care homes but are open to non-residents.
Brunelcare has a day centre for people with mild to moderate dementia which is located in Lawrence Weston and runs four days each week.
Dhek Bhal offers day services and support for carers to the South Asian community living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
Bingham Day Centre is for people with learning disabilities.
Dementia Wellbeing service website lists local day services.
Paul’s Place provides a day facility five days a week that meets the needs of physically, cognitively and sensory impaired adults. They also provide services for carers.
Silvacare runs outreach services for people with learning disabilities in Bristol.
Cambrian Green Day Centre is especially for people with dementia and also hosts events for carers.
Best Life Companions provide day centres in Frampton Cotterell and Yate. They are starting a new centre in Stoke Gifford in October 2021.