Help with getting and completing a Carer’s Assessment. Carer’s Assessments look at how caring affects your life, and whether support is needed to manage your caring role and well-being.
The Children and Families Act 2014, says Parent Carers have a right to a parent carer’s needs assessment.
Parent carer needs assessments are carried out by the Local Authority. In Bristol and South Gloucestershire, they are conducted alongside your child’s social care needs assessment.
More information on Parent Carer's Assessments
In Bristol, Young Carers can have an assessment of their needs through our Young Carers Service .
In South Gloucestershire, Children and Family Services at South Gloucestershire Council arrange Young Carer’s assessment: 01454 868 008.
Bristol City Council has adopted an approach whereby some carer’s assessments are carried out by a team set up within the Council called the Integrated Carers Team.
If the person you care for has an assessment of their needs which resulted in a support package, you should have been offered a carer’s assessment at about the same time. If that didn’t happen, or it happened more than a year ago, contact Care Direct at the council on 0117 9222 700.
The council also commissions Carers Support to complete carer assessments with carers who have no current involvement with council social care services.
If the person you care for is not getting any support services through the council, you can request help completing your carer’s assessment from Carers Support.
Alternatively, you can download a Carers Simple Assessment form and complete it yourself. You will need to provide the contact details of a health or social care professional who can verify your caring situation.
More about Carer's Assessments from Bristol City Council
South Gloucestershire Council has commissioned us to help adult carers who are looking after an adult to complete the carer’s assessment questionnaire. You can request a carer’s assessment by contacting our CarersLine.
Alternatively, if you come into contact with a health or social care professional, they may ask if you consent to them referring you to us. Someone from CarersLine will then give you a call to check your agreement and answer any questions you might have.
“Wow! Thank you for all your help. It will give us so much to look forward to. My husband will be so happy we can go on a train holiday.”
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