Being a carer can put a strain on your finances. We are here to help you find out what financial support is available to help you and the person you care for. We also have tips and advice on budgeting and managing your money.
When someone starts to care or has been caring for a while they may have to take a drop in income and this can make budgeting hard. We have put some information together to help people find ways of saving and managing money. Some of the savings may seem small but collectively getting money off here and there can make quite a difference.
Don't miss out on the benefits and credits that you and your dependent rightfully deserve. As a carer, you have potential access to Carer's Allowance and other significant benefits. There are special benefits for carers like you, provisions for individuals with disabilities, and assistance for those on a low income. Ensure you are not leaving any unclaimed benefits on the table. Act now and secure what's rightfully yours.
If the person you are caring for is being assessed by your local authority for social care services, an important element of your assessment is called Disability Related Expenses (DRE).
Social care is means-tested so most people have to pay something towards the care that they receive. Those with income and savings over a certain threshold will pay the full cost.
You can get a benefit check done through Citizens Advice or other local advice centres to find out what you and the person you care for may be able to claim.
As well as benefits advice, some advice centres also help with other money matters, including debt and energy advice.
Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.
If you are unsure whether you are entitled to benefits or where to go for further advice, please get in touch with CarersLine. We will point you in the right direction.