Carers Support aims to provide a high-quality, responsive, carer-led service. To achieve this, we want and need to take account of the views and wishes of service users. We welcome every opportunity to monitor and improve our service delivery and having an imbedded open and transparent “compliments and complaints” policy and a clear procedure for resolving complaints is one way of achieving this.
Compliments are valuable, welcome and important and when they are received, either verbally or in writing, they will be recorded. Compliments enable Carers Support to: -
Carers Support recognises that there will be times when we don’t ‘get it right’, however, we will always come from a starting point of positive intention.
Carers Support is a learning organisation and to achieve this [learning], we need to know about the times when we don’t ‘get it right’ and therefore encourage people to comment or complain. Such comments or complaints will always be taken seriously, recorded and responded to as detailed in the procedure for resolving complaints, which accompanies this policy statement.
This procedure is for anyone who meets a Carers Support representative. By anyone we mean service users – (carers), practitioners, people with care needs, other voluntary groups, statutory agencies and any other member of the public.
You may have the assistance of a friend or someone else to help you with any or all the stages of this complaints procedure. If you wish to follow this procedure and complain about an aspect of our service, this will NOT affect any services you receive or wish to receive, from Carers Support.
Stage 1
1.1 We hope that most complaints can be resolved informally by speaking directly to the person or persons involved. This can be done either by telephone, writing or in a face-to-face meeting. All complaints will be recorded. If the complaint is resolved at this stage, you will receive a letter outlining the issue and the decisions reached and agreed. If, however, informal resolution is not possible Stages 2 and 3 are available to support complainants.
If it has not been possible to resolve your complaint at Stage 1 you should move to Stage 2.
Stage 2
2.1 If your complaint relates to the governance of Carers Support by the Board of Trustees you should write to the Company Secretary, at Carers Support, The Vassall Centre, Gill Ave, Bristol BS162QQ.
2.2 If your complaint relates to an operational issue or policy you should write to the Chief Executive, at the address in 2.1 above.
2.3 If your complaint is about a member of Carers Support staff or a volunteer you should write to their line manager. If you are not sure who that is contact the main office on 0117 939 2562 and speak to the Resources Officer who will give you that information. This request will be treated in confidence.
2.4 If your complaint is about a member of Carers Support’s Board of Trustees or the Chief Executive you must write to The Chair of Trustees who has been designated to handle complaints at this level. If the complaint involves The Chair, you should write to the Vice Chair of Trustees at the address in 2.1 above.
2.5 Your letter will be acknowledged by the addressee within 3 working days of the date of receipt. If the addressee is on holiday or sick leave they will have ensured that arrangements are in place for complaints to be acknowledged. The Complaint will be recorded on our formal complaint log.
Once the complaint has been acknowledged it will be fully investigated, by discussion with all individuals involved and a written response provided within 20 working days. If this timeframe is delayed because of holiday or sick leave you will be informed when your complaint is acknowledged.
2.6 If you are not satisfied by the response at Stage 2 you should move to Stage 3.
Stage 3
At all times during this stage, you will be informed of the name of the person you should contact at Carers Support
3.1 If your complaint has related to the governance of Carers Support by the Board of Trustees, you should write to the Chair of Trustees, Carers Support, The Vassall Centre, Gill Ave, Bristol BS162QQ.
3.2 If your complaint has related to an operational policy you should write to the Chair of Trustees at the address above.
3.3 If your complaint has been about a member of Carers Support staff or a volunteer your complaint will be heard by the Chief Executive. If the complaint is about the Chief Executive you should write the Chair of Trustees at the address in 3.1 above.
3.4 If your complaint has been about a member of the Board of Trustees or the Chief Executive your complaint will be heard by a small panel of 3 members of the Board (not including the designated trustee identified in 3.1-3.3 above). You should write to the Chair of Trustees at the address above. The Chair will appoint the panel members and the panel will normally meet within 20 working days of your request.
You will be notified in writing about the time and place of the meeting at least 10 days beforehand so that you may attend if you wish. A representative may accompany you. The Review Panel will let you know its decision and the reasons for the decision in writing within 7 days.
3.5 In 3.1- 3.4 above your letter will be acknowledged by the addressee within 3 working days of the date of the receipt. If the addressee is on holiday or sick leave they will have ensured arrangements are in place for complaints to be acknowledged.
In 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 once the complaint has been acknowledged it will be investigated, by discussion with all involved and a written response provided within 20 working days. If this timeframe is delayed because of holiday or sick leave you will be informed when your complaint is acknowledged.
This is the final stage in the complaints procedure, but this does not affect your right to contact your local Councillor, MP, any other authorities who fund Carers Support, or the Charity Commission if you are still not satisfied.
If you would like to give us some feedback please use the form below.