David* had been referred to both the counselling and befriending services for support as he had become very isolated in his caring role and was struggling to manage his partner's extreme emotions and anxiety.
David felt that talking to a counsellor initially would help him cope better with his caring role. He was triaged at the referral stage, and it was decided that we would offer him counselling first and then follow on with giving him support from a befriender to allow him time for his mental health to stabilise.
David started his counselling sessions via Zoom as he had travelled to Cornwall to stay with his elderly dad whose health had deteriorated. It was a very stressful time for this carer as he felt torn between supporting his father and his wife. Prior to completing his counselling sessions, David’s wife passed away very suddenly.
David said having the counselling sessions at this difficult time really helped. David then started support from the befriending service soon after his counselling sessions ended. His main goal was being able to be open with someone who was objective. Also, to have some encouragement/focus with reconnecting with a creative outlet which was writing. David said that his befriender had been supportive and encouraging.
David had been feeling very exhausted and overwhelmed with everything to sort out and travelling back and forth to Cornwall to support his elderly father. David said that his befriender had encouraged him to take small steps and break things down into manageable chunks. This approach had given David more focus and clarity. Without his help, David felt he couldn't have taken a single step. His befriender was a great listener and very patient, he had been very supportive and encouraged David to take care of himself.
David has now taken a step back from some things and this has really helped him. We made a referral to our Walk and Talk project, and gave information about carers’ support services in Cornwall for his father and details for the Cruse helpline should David wish to receive bereavement support in the future.
* Not his real name
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